Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 12 - Class 3 - FINAL CLASS

The previous 2 classes did not run according to plan this week.
Class 1 was spent creating movies, images and fixing movie playback problems.
Class 2 was spent examining the presentations in class.
So I have made a presentation available to cover topics listed on the blog within Moodle. Please login to moodle and go through the presentation.

There are also 2 deliverables requested in Moodle:

a) upload your presentation to Moodle (after going through my presentation to learn how to do it correctly). I have extended deadlines due to weather please upload this by Monday

b) portfolio Taking account of the weather conditions I have extended the deadline for the portfolio to Wednesday

Exact due dates and times are available within Moodle.

Week 12 - Class 2

Document Version Control



Week 12 - Class 1

technical class on images:


Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 11 - class 3

Go back to your Powerpoint presentation, Rehearse timings, Record Naration
Make sure to set the mic level correctly.
Change the Quality to 44,100 kHz, 16 bit MONO
Make sure the LINKED checkbox is selected.

You can download your photos and videos for inclusion in your presentation from MOODLE (I put them in MOODLE so that they won't be available on the net to all and sundry!)

Include your presenter notes within the presentation.

- recording
- mic setup
- embed v linking
- some narrations tips for different systems and versions of powerpoint
- instructions from microsoft

* In your presentation, only one sound can play at a time. So if you have inserted a sound that is to play automatically, it will get overridden by voice narration.
* To run the presentation without narration, on the Slide Show menu, click Set Up Show, and then select the Show without narration check box.
* If you have saved slide timings but want to run the presentation without the timings, on the Slide Show menu, click Set Up Show, and under Advance slides, click Manually. When you want the timings on again, click Using timings, if present.


virtual audio cable

Assignment Presentations

- running order to follow
- Presentations to be made in class (or remotely live)

Week 11 - class 2

continuation of last class

Week 11 - class 1

Group Assignment - Review 1

Highlighting class mistakes.

I'm looking for subtleness in use of advanced feature and techniques like keyframing that you were shown in the last 2 classes.

Encouraging subtle changes in graphics.
Appropriate transitions and graphics.
Intro Slide and Sections slide
Simplify, simplify ...
Remove speech text from slides, put it in the notes instead
Dimming (part of custom animations)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 10

- review of what you already know
- photographing steps/slides of a marketing presentation and importing a photo gallery into a slide show (1 image per slide)
- Custom Animations

*Open Source:

*Windows Explorer & 7ZIP
- View Details, Unhiding recognised file types, Details View, Same For all Folders.
- 7ZIP, download and install, configure to reate ZIP files, creating a ZIP of several files.

* How to simulate software using screen capture (Print Screen, Alt + Print Screen)

Organise yourself into pairs.
Choose a piecjavascript:void(0)e of software e.g. Word. Create a presentation explaining how some functionality within it works (e.g. sections). You may need to choose more than piece of functionality.

* We will continue in class next week.

Week 9 - Class 3/4

Test on Word

Week 9 - Class 2

* Images

compression, size, line art, photo/gradients


* Scanning

* Cameras

Week 9 - Class 1

Create a poster (using a Word template, for Portfolio Day - Friday 3rd December)


Now use mail merge from word to send an email to all your customers.

The mail should be an invitation to Portfolio Day


Review Panel
Track Changes, Comments, Permissions


Reminder: As mentioned last week, there will be an inclass test this Friday on ALL aspects of Word already covered. Moodle will be used to reveal the details of the test and for taking up the test at the end of the class. Deadline will be enforced by Moodle.

Week 8 - Class 3/4

Review of applying techniques learned in last class to our ongoing development of the book.

Mail Merge
- creating the master
- creating the data source
- merging both to create an output file

Redo using ACCESS, EXCEL.

A look at templates when creating new files e.g. flyer.
Create a new document using a flyer template, edit the details.

Sites for stock images
Sites for web and office templates (including Word & Powerpoint)
Sites for web templates (HTML & FLASH)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 8 - class 2

Page Layout - Portrait, Landscape
Applying different layouts using Next Page sections
Applying different layouts using Continuous sections

Headers / Footers - global, per section

Line Numbering

Homework, re apply the formatting techniques learned in class to the last chapter in your book. Apply global techniques to the entire document.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 8 - class 1

Announcement of new timetable. Friday class has changed to a double and has been brought forward to 12.15 & 1.15 finishing at 2.15 in room ITG17.

Harvard Referencing - EndNote, Reference Manager, Word

Creating an index
Creating a bibliography (citations)